The Addendum - Episode Three - Minesweeper Genius, Superliminal, Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours

Back to it then, eh lads?

It’s 2022. An entirely new year. You know what’s not new?

Our *love* for videogames.

What did we get up to in our Christmas break then?

Minty played… some Digimon! Jonathan played… some Binding of Isaac! Chris played… some old rubbish no one cares about?

Peppered in between all that, listen out for some colourful stories of Jackbox parties, some colourblind stories of Switch indies, ..and tales of Chris’ lost Christmas days playing long-discontinued ports of ancient arcade racing games.

Back in list town, which three hits replace our - not misses, of course - but older hits?

Minesweeper Genius! Superliminal! Dariusburst!

“they’re good games Brent.”

Visit for more!


Massive thanks to our Patreon subscribers Andy Smith, Gene Limbrick, Debbie Booth, Jasper Blacketer, David Boys-Layton, Darren Hughes, Rob Wade, Chris Walker, Alex Dunn, Nathan Bain, Sam Roberts, Ross Ewing, Roger Swan, and The Giraffe!

Reach out to us individually:
Jonathan -
Chris -
Minty -

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