Bonus Level - The Legend of GamesIRL: A Blast from the Past

In a rare state of synchronicity, both O3C boys have spent most of the last week in hospital with entirely unrelated NHS-challenged stints.

As the first to be discharged, Chris picks up the microphone to fill the void left by our inevitable break in scheduling, revisiting his old stomping ground of videogame opinions. Delving back into his long forgotten blog GamesIRL, allow Chris to talk you through some ancient musings on games as eclectic as: The Faery Tale Adventure (never heard of it); Driver: Speedboat Paradise (never heard of it); Tank! Tank! Tank! (never heard of it); and KONAMI Pixel Puzzle Collection (heard of it, played it, loved it, best mobile nonogram game!)

And we shall be back next week as expected with our first Fortnight Challenge report!


Massive thanks to our Patreon subscribers Andy Smith, Gene Limbrick, Debbie Booth, David Boys-Layton, Darren Hughes, Rob Wade, Ross Ewing, Roger Swan, The Giraffe, Thomas Duncan, CJ Anderson and the gang at Chat of the Wild!

Reach out to us individually:
Jonathan -
Chris -

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