Number 45 - Diddy Kong Racing, Pokémon Black 2, Fallout 3

The boys are playing Animal Crossing, of course, but what else is floating our collective boats?

Are Chris and Jonathan going to be able to keep up their Ring Fit regimes? Why has the Panzer Dragoon remake rankled the J-man? Which eShop games are worth your pocket change? Which Gameboy exclusive sequel has Chris's heart all afloat? 

Then, after the dust has settled on our April Fools fake out, what are our ACTUAL 45th favourite games of all time? 

Chris gets a bit over excited talking about Diddy Kong Racing, the 'best racing game on the N64'; Minty explains why the weird animals and cultural pastiche of Pokémon Black 2 beats out much of its franchise competition; and Jonathan emerges from the depths of vault 101 to explain why the post-nuclear wasteland in Fallout 3 stands head and shoulders above its sequels. 

If you'd like to argue with us about any of this week's opinions, feel free to use the following sentence pro formas:

  • "CHRIS is wrong about Diddy Kong! Mario Kart 64 is truly the best kart racer on the Nintendo 64 BECAUSE..."

  • "MINTY is wrong about Black 2! Generation 1/2/3/4/6/7 (delete as appropriate) is much stronger BECAUSE..."

  • "JONATHAN is wrong about Fallout 3! 4 was a true evolution of the series BECAUSE..."

Be safe, stay home.