We love video games.


More words about games you don’t care about, Sir? No?
Anyone fancing reading tens of thousands of words about the games Chris beat this calendar year? No?
Jonathan reflects on the oeuvre of FromSoftware, tying thoughts on mental health and parenthood through the Dark Souls Trilogy and beyond!
I’m obsessed with it because the profound joyfulness of it!
It’s certainly a contender for an entry in my Top 100!
Chris details his triumphant return to the Arcade Club in Bury. Is the 600 mile round trip worth it?
Minty the beer sommelier is back; slinging hops and tending crops.
Jonathan shares his thoughts on this extraordinary game depicting the other side of war in light of the current conflict in Ukraine.
Chris draws comparisons between the techno-optimism and techno-pessimism of his favourite game and album.
With the dust settled, Minty reflects on what Legends Arceus gets right, and where the series could go next.
Chris smiles through the pain and attempts to pick apart what makes a good licensed tie-in.
Chris attempts to justify the unjustifiable.
Can I get you something light, bright and tasty to go with your light, bright and tasty game?
Chris burns things in real life, and then burns things in not real life to make it through 2020’s first lockdown.